• Gaza: UNESCO calls for an immediate halt to strikes against schools
    UNESCO is gravely concerned about the impact of the hostilities in the Gaza Strip on students and education professionals. The Organization calls for the protection of educational establishments, which often serve as shelters for the population, and recalls that targeting them or using them for military purposes constitute violations of international law.
  • UNESCO Cairo Regional Forum: “Angel Investing: The Missing Link towards an innovation economy in the Arab region!”
    The forum will gather women angel investors and businesswomen from the Arab region together with international trainers from around the globe in order to group educate and share together evidence-based information acknowledging the benefits of angel investing on the entrepreneurial eco-system and national and regional innovation economies.
  • Spotlight on African-led solutions to deal with challenges of peace, security, and development
    “Shaping Africa’s New Normal: Recovering Stronger, Rebuilding Better” placed a spotlight on African-led solutions to deal with challenges of peace, security and development in Africa. A session on Sustainable Peace and Development through Arts, Culture and Heritage was held at the Forum as part of celebrations for the 2021 African Union (AU) Year of the Arts, Culture and Heritage.
  • The Futures of Teaching in the Arab States and beyond
    The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed teaching, necessitating adaptive methods and new tools due to school closures and the shift to distance learning. Teachers, especially in the Arab region, are facing unique challenges due to conflict, displacement, and poverty, highlighting the need for resilient education systems that prioritize teachers and incorporate lessons from the pandemic.
  • UNESCO / Global Geoparks Network grant for Geoparks in Africa and the Arab States 2022
    UNESCO and GGN have initiated a project to advance the Geopark concept in Africa and Arab States, which are unified geographical areas that manage sites of international geological significance with a focus on protection, education, and sustainable development. They foster local pride, stimulate job creation and geotourism, while ensuring geological resource protection.