Build a national innovation strategy and take action for national development
Creating knowledge and understanding through science equips us to find solutions to today’s acute economic, social and environmental challenges and to achieve sustainable development and greener societies. This implies scientific research and innovation to develop sectors that are lagging behind or poorly understood.

To invest effectively in science and achieve results, you need to know your shortcomings and set clear objectives to overcome them. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as STI and SDGs indicators are needed to measure progress and success.
Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Indicators
Develop a strong policy and implement significant actions by investing in science and innovation to build a skilled workforce, boost economic growth, and reduce brain drain in the Arab region. We created an online STI Indicators database and template to help countries track progress and improve their Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policies, essential to overcoming critical challenges such as conserving freshwater, building resilient infrastructure, and promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Indicators
Nearly all the countries in the world have promised to improve the planet and the lives of their citizens by 2030. They have committed themselves to 17 life-changing goals, outlined by the UN in 2015. These Global Goals, also known as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), cannot be achieved without involving scientists in the development of innovative solutions and advancing Open Science in the Arab region.
Major gaps in the SDGs must be identified in order to respond in the most adequate and efficient manner and unlock exponential development. To support this approach, data on the Agenda 2030 sectors in the Arab region are available on the UNESCO Arab Science Podium.
Look at your country’s KPIs data