Articles PublishedEducational attainment rate, completed Bachelor's or equivalent education or higher, population 25+ years, both sexes (%)Educational attainment rate, completed Bachelor's or equivalent education or higher, population 25+ years, female (%)Educational attainment rate, completed Doctoral or equivalent education, population 25+ years, both sexes (%)Educational attainment rate, completed Doctoral or equivalent education, population 25+ years, female (%)Educational attainment rate, completed Master's or equivalent education or higher, population 25+ years, both sexes (%)Educational attainment rate, completed Master's or equivalent education or higher, population 25+ years, female (%)GDP [USD]GERD - TotalGERD as a percent of GDP (%)GERD by field of science in higher education (%)GERD by sector of performance (%)GERD by source of funds (%)Initial government funding of tertiary education as a percentage of GDPInitial household funding of tertiary education as a percentage of GDPOther supporting staff (FTE) - FemaleOther supporting staff (FTE) - TotalOther supporting staff (HC) - FemaleOther supporting staff (HC) - TotalPatent Applications by Filing OfficePatents by field of science of higher education (%)Publications by field of science of higher education(%)Researchers (FTE) - FemaleResearchers (FTE) - Female - Agricultural and veterinary sciencesResearchers (FTE) - Female - Engineering and technologyResearchers (FTE) - Female - Humanities and the artsResearchers (FTE) - Female - Medical and health sciencesResearchers (FTE) - Female - Natural sciencesResearchers (FTE) - Female - Not specified fieldsResearchers (FTE) - Female - Social sciencesResearchers (FTE) - Higher education - Agricultural and veterinary sciencesResearchers (FTE) - Higher education - Agricultural and veterinary sciences per million inhabitantsResearchers (FTE) - Higher education - Engineering and technologyResearchers (FTE) - Higher education - Engineering and technology per million inhabitantsResearchers (FTE) - Higher education - Humanities and the artsResearchers (FTE) - Higher education - Humanities and the arts per million inhabitantsResearchers (FTE) - Higher education - Medical and health sciencesResearchers (FTE) - Higher education - Medical and health sciences per million inhabitantsResearchers (FTE) - Higher education - Natural sciencesResearchers (FTE) - Higher education - Natural sciences per million inhabitantsResearchers (FTE) - Higher education - Not specified fieldsResearchers (FTE) - Higher education - Not specified fields per million inhabitantsResearchers (FTE) - Higher education - Social sciencesResearchers (FTE) - Higher education - Social sciences per million inhabitantsResearchers (FTE) - TotalResearchers (HC) - Agricultural and veterinary sciencesResearchers (HC) - Agricultural and veterinary sciences per million inhabitantsResearchers (HC) - Engineering and technologyResearchers (HC) - Engineering and technology per million inhabitantsResearchers (HC) - FemaleResearchers (HC) - Female - Agricultural and veterinary sciencesResearchers (HC) - Female - Engineering and technologyResearchers (HC) - Female - Humanities and the artsResearchers (HC) - Female - Medical and health sciencesResearchers (HC) - Female - Natural sciencesResearchers (HC) - Female - Not specified fieldsResearchers (HC) - Female - Social sciencesResearchers (HC) - Humanities and the artsResearchers (HC) - Humanities and the arts per million inhabitantsResearchers (HC) - Medical and health sciencesResearchers (HC) - Medical and health sciences per million inhabitantsResearchers (HC) - Natural sciencesResearchers (HC) - Natural sciences per million inhabitantsResearchers (HC) - Not specified fieldsResearchers (HC) - Not specified fields per million inhabitantsResearchers (HC) - Social sciencesResearchers (HC) - Social sciences per million inhabitantsResearchers (HC) - TotalResearchers by Agricultural and veterinary sciences in higher education in FTE(%)Researchers by Agricultural and veterinary sciences in higher education in HC (%)Researchers by Engineering and technology in higher education in FTE(%)Researchers by Engineering and technology in higher education in HC (%)Researchers by field of science in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers by field of science in higher education in HC (%)Researchers by Humanities and the arts in higher education in FTE(%)Researchers by Humanities and the arts in higher education in HC (%)Researchers by Medical and health sciences in higher education in FTE(%)Researchers by Medical and health sciences in higher education in HC (%)Researchers by Natural Sciences in higher education in FTE(%)Researchers by Natural Sciences in higher education in HC (%)Researchers by Not specified fields in higher education in FTE(%)Researchers by Not specified fields in higher education in HC (%)Researchers by qualification in higher education in HC (%)Researchers by qualifications in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers by sector of employment in higher education in FTE(%)Researchers by sector of employment in higher education in HC (%)Researchers by Social sciences in higher education in FTE(%)Researchers by Social sciences in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Agricultural and veterinary sciences by field of science in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers in Agricultural and veterinary sciences by field of science in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Agricultural and veterinary sciences by qualification in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Agricultural and veterinary sciences by qualifications in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers in Agricultural and veterinary sciences in FTE (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in Agricultural and veterinary sciences in HC (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in Engineering and technology by field of science in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers in Engineering and technology by field of science in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Engineering and technology by qualification in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Engineering and technology by qualifications in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers in Engineering and technology in FTE (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in Engineering and technology in HC (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in FTE (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in FTE per million inhabitantsResearchers in HC (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in HC per million inhabitantsResearchers in Humanitary and the arts by field of science in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers in Humanitary and the arts by field of science in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Humanitary and the arts by qualification in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Humanities and the arts by qualifications in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers in Humanities and the arts in FTE (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in Humanities and the arts in HC (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in Medical and health sciences by field of science in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers in Medical and health sciences by field of science in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Medical and health sciences by qualification in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Medical and health sciences by qualifications in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers in Medical and health sciences in FTE (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in Medical and health sciences in HC (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in Natrual sciences by qualifications in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers in Natural Sciences in FTE (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in Natural sciences by field of science in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers in Natural sciences by field of science in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Natural sciences by qualification in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Natural sciences in HC (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in Not specified fields by field of science in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers in Not specified fields by field of science in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Not specified fields by qualification in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Not specified fields by qualifications in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers in Not specified fields in FTE (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in Not specified fields in HC (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in Social sciences by qualification by field of science in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers in Social sciences by qualification by field of science in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Social sciences by qualification in higher education in HC (%)Researchers in Social sciences by qualifications in higher education in FTE (%)Researchers in Social sciences in FTE (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Researchers in Social sciences in HC (labour per 1000 inhabitants)Technicians (FTE) - FemaleTechnicians (FTE) - TotalTechnicians (HC) - FemaleTechnicians (HC) - TotalTotal population [Millions]Total R&D personnel (FTE) - FemaleTotal R&D personnel (FTE) - TotalTotal R&D personnel (HC) - FemaleTotal R&D personnel (HC) - TotalWomen as share of FTE total researchersWomen as share of FTE total researchers - Higher education - Agricultural and veterinary sciencesWomen as share of FTE total researchers - Higher education - Engineering and technologyWomen as share of FTE total researchers - Higher education - Humanities and the arts Women as share of FTE total researchers - Higher education - Medical and health sciencesWomen as share of FTE total researchers - Higher education - Natural sciencesWomen as share of FTE total researchers - Higher education - Not specified fieldsWomen as share of FTE total researchers - Higher education - Social sciencesWomen's share of HC total researchersWomen's share of HC total researchers - Higher education - Agricultural and veterinary sciencesWomen's share of HC total researchers - Higher education - Engineering and technologyWomen's share of HC total researchers - Higher education - Humanities and the arts Women's share of HC total researchers - Higher education - Medical and health sciencesWomen's share of HC total researchers - Higher education - Natural sciencesWomen's share of HC total researchers - Higher education - Not specified fieldsWomen's share of HC total researchers - Higher education - Social sciences Country Name 20202021202220232024