Network for Expansion of Converging Technologies (UNESCO-NECTAR)

On the occasion of the forthcoming Science, Technology and Innovation Conference in June 2011, UNESCO Cairo Office is planning to launch its Science & Technology Initiative calling for the creation of the Network for Expansion of Converging Technologies (namely; nanotechnology, biotechnology, ICTs, and cognitive science) in the Arab Region (UNESCO-NECTAR). On the right sidebar, please find attached a copy of the initiative brochure (concept note) for your kind review.  

The overall objective of this network is to create the required synergy in the Arab region to strengthen the national innovation system (NIS) of each member country by pooling the available human resources within the regional science community as well as bridging the gap between academia and industry.  

UNESCO-NECTAR will consist of a number of focal points resembled in technological advancement and innovation centers located in a number of member states with the purpose of developing and strengthening education, R&D, innovation, and commercialization (ERDIC) in the field of converging technologies, as well as the basic sciences associated with these technologies.  

Through the modular design of its programme, each center will start by offering a one-year post-graduate technical diploma programme is supplemented by a rigorous practical training programme, which will serve to fully connect the graduates to the relevant industries and hence re-defining the relationship between academia and industry for better collaboration levels.  

For UNESCO to be successful in implementing this network initiative as well as ensure its sustainability, we are seeking to strategically partner with well established institutions and organizations that have similar mandates and can support the mission of this initiative through their established networks and available resources.   We are hereby gratefully calling upon your good self to review the initiative proposal and advice us on how best your programs and expertise could be utilized to complement and support the operations of UNESCO-NECTAR. Please fill the Call for Collaboration Form and share it with us. 
