Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) indicators have developed over the years as an important tool for policy makers to use to evaluate the present socio-economic situation and enable them to set up
strategically for the future development plans. The development of STI indicators has been carried out mainly by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS). STI indicators in the Arab States has been studied at the national level by the member countries and regionally and internationally by a number of organizations such as ALECSO, ISESCO, UNESCO, UNESCO Cairo-office and ESCWA. Through the Open Science Podium herewith, a data base is planned to be set up and that could be updated every two years. The methodology followed is based on that applied by the UIS and the OECD [OECD, 2002, 2005). This enables us to compare data on a national, regional and international levels. Thus, the classification of disciplines is based on the STI Classification set up by the OECD and which UIS also took part in the revision of fields of STI classification as part of the Frascati Manual (OECD, 2002).