Current Regional Projects

> STEM Education Reinforced in the Arab Region

The UNS2IN Network , which is a programme of UNESCO-NECTAR, has been designed to galvanize science education in the Arab Region and Africa. The network offers the opportunity for students to polish their scientific knowledge and develop their creativity, criticism, and interest for scientific and technical progress in a well-defined scientific approach. The network avails the opportunity to support the renewal and development of the science curriculum in the primary and secondary schools, through its three modules: the Basic Sciences (BS) module, the Scientific Research (SR) module, the Inquiry-based Science Education (IBSE) module, and which are complimented by the English as a Second Language (ESL) module. We hope your experience utilizing this portal is worth it and as useful as we have planned.

> UNESCO Arab Women in Science Platform

The UNESCO Arab Women in Science Platform will aim to address the challenges faced by women in natural and social sciences and contribute to Open Science in the Arab region by providing an online and offline safe space for them to connect, share, and learn from each other’s experiences. It will also offer a variety of programs and services to help them advance their careers, such as mentorship, networking opportunities, and capacity-building programs, raise awareness of gender stereotypes in science among the youth, and support new innovative gender-transformative policies and structures.