Ms. Hanaa Abou Motliq

Specialized in Educational sciences

Mr. Ahmed Fuad

Specialized in Electrical engineering

Dr. Abeer Alhyari

Specialized in Electrical engineering

Mr. Abdalkader Ewais

Specialized in Economics and business

Mr. Abdallah Haddad

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Mr. Abdalqaher Srour

Specialized in Health sciences

abdalraheeem taha

Specialized in Other humanities

Mr. Abdalraheem Hweesh

Specialized in Earth and environmental sciences

Dr. Abdalraheem Taha

Specialized in Other humanities

Mr. Abdelfattah damaj 2022

Specialized in Other humanities

Dr. Abdelhamid Elbshbeshi

Specialized in Earth and environmental sciences

Dr. abdelrahman.rehan

Specialized in Law

Mr. Abdulla Abdul-Kareem

Specialized in Languages and literature

Mr. Abdelrahman Al-Silwadi

Specialized in Economics and business

Ms. Intisar Abed

Specialized in Clinical medicine

Mr. Abedalla Khateeb

Specialized in Other humanities


Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Mr. Adam Marawaa

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Dr. Adel N. Alnahal

Specialized in Educational sciences

Dr. Abdulilah Dewachi

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Dr. Afif Rahma

Specialized in Civil engineering

Dr. Ali Haddara

Specialized in Computer and information sciences

Mr. Ahmed Helmi

Specialized in Civil engineering

Ms. Ahlam Oudah

Specialized in Languages and literature

Mr. Ahmed Abu Shanab

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Mr. Ahmed Haj Ali

Specialized in Economics and business

Mr. Ahmed Youssef

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Mr. Ahmed Junina

Specialized in Languages and literature

Mr. Aid Abdelkarim

Specialized in Mechanical engineering

Dr. Aida Bakeer

Specialized in Other humanities

Ms. Aida Bakir

Specialized in Other humanities

Mr. Ali Airequat

Specialized in Computer and information sciences

Dr. Ahmad Jammal

Specialized in Electrical engineering

Mr. Alaa Amro

Specialized in Economics and business

Dr. alaamusalam

Specialized in Mechanical engineering

Mr. Alaedina

Specialized in Other social sciences

Dr. Esra Aleisa

Specialized in Environmental engineering

Mr. Ali Jabari

Specialized in Law


Specialized in Philosophy, ethics and religion

Mr. alwaleed

Specialized in Other natural sciences

Mr. Al Magadma

Specialized in Chemistry

Ms. Amaal Zainaldeen

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Dr. Amany Abuzied

Specialized in Other humanities


Specialized in

Mr. Ameen Salahat

Specialized in Media and communications

Mr. Amin Abdallah

Specialized in Educational sciences

Mr. Amjad Alnatsheh

Specialized in Economics and business

Dr. Ammar Taha

Specialized in Other humanities


Specialized in Electrical engineering

Ms. Arwa Najjar

Specialized in Computer and information sciences

Ms. Aya Faqeeh

Specialized in Health sciences

Ms. Aya Khattab

Specialized in Health sciences

Mr. Ayed

Specialized in Agriculture

Mr. Ayham Abu Ghosh

Specialized in Media and communications

Mr. Aziz Kayed

Specialized in Other humanities

Eng. bahaa

Specialized in Electrical engineering

Mr. Bahi Alshaikhkhalil

Specialized in Economics and business

Dr. Bashar Kamaluddin

Specialized in Civil engineering

Mr. Bashar Hammouri

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Mr. Bakheet Beshtawy

Specialized in Other humanities

Dr. Belal Amro

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Ms. Boshra Salem

Specialized in Earth and environmental sciences

Mr. Brahim Nangasdai

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Dr. Hassan Abo Alrub

Specialized in Languages and literature

Dr. D. Najeya Janajreh

Specialized in Other natural sciences

Mr. Dar Al-Kalima University

Specialized in Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music)

Ms. Manal Fawzy

Specialized in Biological sciences

Dr abdalraheem taha

Specialized in Other humanities

Dr. Dr Matar

Specialized in Educational sciences

Dr. Abdul Waheb

Specialized in Biotechnology

Dr. Dr. Ahmed Awaja

Specialized in Other natural sciences

Dr. Dr. Akram Altaher

Specialized in Health sciences

Dr. Ameed Bader

Specialized in Other social sciences

Dr. Barakat Al-Qasrawi

Specialized in Educational sciences

Mr. Nafez Ali Ahmed

Specialized in Other humanities

Dr. Wajdi Halabi

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Dr. Akram Wadi

Specialized in Educational sciences

Dr.Fatma Abed

Specialized in Other humanities

Mr. Dr.Hatem Maraqah

Specialized in Chemistry

Dr. Ibraheem Abu Rahma

Specialized in Other humanities

Dr. Majid Abdallah

Specialized in Other humanities

Dr. مجد عبدالله

Specialized in Other humanities

Dr. Nuha Afouni Alaydi

Specialized in Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music)

Ms. Duaa Ahmad

Specialized in Languages and literature

Mr. El Sayed Abbas Zaghloul

Specialized in Other natural sciences

Mr. El Sayed Zaghloul

Specialized in Mathematics

Dr. Rashid Saeed

Specialized in Electrical engineering

Ms. Reem

Specialized in Economics and business

Mr. Yacoub

Specialized in Computer and information sciences

fadia alhaj hussein

Specialized in Health sciences

Ms. Fatima Ayyash

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Fida Buss

Specialized in Physics


Specialized in Educational sciences

Dr. Fawaz Khufash

Specialized in History and archaeology

Mr. Amin Shaban

Specialized in Earth and environmental sciences

Dr. Ghassan Shahin

Specialized in Computer and information sciences

Dr. Hala Naja

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Eng. hamza89

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Ms. Hana Rezq

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Ms. Hanadi Bader

Specialized in Other social sciences

Dr. Hanan@222

Specialized in Biological sciences

Mr. Hani Muslem Haddad

Specialized in

Dr. Hardan

Specialized in Agriculture

Mr. Hasan Daher

Specialized in Other social sciences

Dr. Hazem Elbaz

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Specialized in Electrical engineering

Ms. Heba Zughier

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Dr. Hala El-Khozondar

Specialized in Electrical engineering

Eng. Hassan Dawoud

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Dr. Homam Khwanda

Specialized in Economics and business


Specialized in Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music)

Mr. Ibrahim Dweik

Specialized in Economics and business

Mr. Ibrahim Salha

Specialized in Other humanities

Eng. Ibrahim Salih

Specialized in Civil engineering

Mr. Ibrahim

Specialized in Languages and literature

Ms. Ibtisam Ayoub

Specialized in Languages and literature

Dr. Iyad Hatem

Specialized in Biotechnology

Dr. imadshaheen

Specialized in Electrical engineering

Dr. inadn

Specialized in Mathematics

Dr. انتصار ناجي

Specialized in Other humanities

Dr. Jamil Khader

Specialized in Languages and literature

Ms. Jeehan Rajah Daana

Specialized in Health sciences

Mr. Jehad Abu Alrob

Specialized in Health sciences

Dr. Jehad Ighbareyeh

Specialized in Other natural sciences

Ms. Joudy El Chafic

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Dr. Sameh Kantoush

Specialized in Civil engineering

Dr. Kaoutar Bargach

Specialized in Earth and environmental sciences

Mr. Ali Karnib

Specialized in Civil engineering

Mr. kayed Abu Remeileh

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Dr. Mustafa Kayyali

Specialized in Languages and literature

Dr. Kaoutar Bargach

Specialized in Earth and environmental sciences

Mr. Khair1959

Specialized in Other natural sciences

Mr. Khaled Masri

Specialized in Economics and business

Dr. khaled76

Specialized in Health sciences

Mr. Khaled Almghri

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Ms. Kholud Salameh

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Eng. Khalid Shalan

Specialized in Mechanical engineering

Dr. Lama Khaled

Specialized in Agriculture

Dr. Luay Dwaikat

Specialized in Civil engineering

Ms. Lynn Abu Zaineh

Specialized in Other social sciences

Dr. Mohammed Sayed

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Mr. Ma@123456

Specialized in Educational sciences

Ms. maha

Specialized in Earth and environmental sciences

Dr. Maha Abdelazeem

Specialized in Earth and environmental sciences

Mr. Mahdi Qaresh

Specialized in Law

Dr. Mahdi Qarresh

Specialized in Law

Mr. Mahmoud Bakir

Specialized in Mathematics

mahmoud rabayaa

Specialized in Educational sciences

Dr. Mahmoud Sakr

Specialized in Other natural sciences

Mr. Mahmoud Rabayaa

Specialized in Educational sciences

Mr. Majd Nazzal

Specialized in Other humanities

Mr. Majdi Owda

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Mr. Majdi Bilbisi

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Dr. Majed Ibrahim

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Mr. Majed Sayed Ahmad

Specialized in Mechanical engineering

Dr. Mahmood Eshreteh

Specialized in Languages and literature

Ms. Manal kabel

Specialized in Law

Ms. Manal Kabel

Specialized in Law

Ms. Manar lham

Specialized in Economics and business

Ms. Marwa Ali

Specialized in Civil engineering

Mr. Barghot

Specialized in Educational sciences

Dr. Faculty of Media

Specialized in Media and communications

Ms. Mennat Allah El-Kotamy

Specialized in Law

Dr. Mohammed Sayed

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Mr. Farrah

Specialized in Languages and literature

Mr. Mohamed Dawoud

Specialized in Environmental engineering

Mr. mmsaiid

Specialized in Computer and information sciences

Eng. mohamedb2012

Specialized in Medical engineering

Mr. Mohammad Mansor

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Mr. Kamal Mohammedi

Specialized in Mechanical engineering

Mr. mohsenk90

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Dr. mokayed

Specialized in Physics

Mr. Monther Salahat

Specialized in Computer and information sciences

Dr. Motaz Talat Abdullah

Specialized in Economics and business

Mr. Mousa Numan

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Mr. Moussa Abueram

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Eng. Mahmoud Said

Specialized in Computer and information sciences

Dr. Momther Salahat

Specialized in Computer and information sciences

Ms. Safa Dayeh

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences


Specialized in Languages and literature

Mr. msumoor

Specialized in Physics

Dr. Muath Sabha

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Dr. Mujeeb Saif Mohsen Al-Absy

Specialized in Economics and business

Mr. Muneer Natsheh

Specialized in Chemistry

Ms. Nabu Halaweh

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Ms. Nadeen Jarrar

Specialized in History and archaeology

Dr. Nahed.Salman

Specialized in Mathematics

Mr. Nawaf Amro

Specialized in Health sciences

Neamat Shaban Alwan

Specialized in Other humanities

Dr. Naeem Salameh

Specialized in Law

Dr. Omar Bizri

Specialized in Physics

Dr. Omar Bizri

Specialized in Chemistry

Mr. Osayd Awawda

Specialized in Law

Mr. Osman Mustafa Ahmed

Specialized in Earth and environmental sciences

Ms. Safa Dayyeh

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Dr. Yahya M. Abu Jahjouh

Specialized in Educational sciences

Dr. Rifa El-Khozondar

Specialized in Physics

Dr. Alaa El-Sadek

Specialized in Other natural sciences

Dr. Ghada Amer

Specialized in Electrical engineering

Dr. Qais Abu Ayyash

Specialized in Other humanities

Ms. Qaisa

Specialized in Other humanities

Mr. Qais Ayyash

Specialized in Other humanities

Ms. Qamar Haddad

Specialized in Chemistry

Dr. Qossay HAMED

Specialized in Political science

Mr. Rabee Abu Shamleh

Specialized in Electrical engineering

Raed Dayeh

Specialized in Agriculture

Mr. Rami Jahajha

Specialized in Other humanities

Mr. Rami Shawamreh

Specialized in Electrical engineering

Ms. Rania Badr

Specialized in Earth and environmental sciences

Mr. Rawhi Ziyada

Specialized in History and archaeology

Ms. Raya Sawalha

Specialized in Health sciences

Dr. Rebhi Bsharat

Specialized in Health sciences

Ms. Reem Zahida

Specialized in Languages and literature

Ms. Reema Abedmussa

Specialized in Civil engineering

Ms. Roa Daragmeh

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Ms. Rola

Specialized in Physics

Ms. Rudyna Qaisiya

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies


Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Mr. Saed Idais

Specialized in Civil engineering

Ms. Safa Dayyeh

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Mr. Safwan Nasser

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Ms. Sahar Irshaid

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Dr. Salama

Specialized in Earth and environmental sciences

Dr. Salem Abushawarib

Specialized in Psychology

Dr. Soulaiman Al Mhanna

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Dr. Samah Al-Jabari

Specialized in Civil engineering

Mr. Sami Latofi

Specialized in Mathematics

Mr. Samir Bahammou

Specialized in Economics and business

samy mansy

Specialized in Physics

Ms. Sana Derbas

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Ms. Sana Salman

Specialized in Other medical/health sciences

Mr. Shawkat Barakat

Specialized in Sociology

Dr. Shehav Edais

Specialized in Other social sciences

Ms. Shoroq Abu Laila

Specialized in Economics and business

Dr. Salameh Salameh

Specialized in Law

Mr. Suliman Kayed

Specialized in Other social sciences

Ms. Sumaya Sayej

Specialized in Health sciences

Mr. Tariq Tamimi

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Ms. Wafa Herzallah

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Mr. Wajdi Bsharat

Specialized in Agriculture

Ms. Walai

Specialized in Other humanities

Dr. Wiesam

Specialized in Other engineering and technologies

Mr. Wisam Nakhleh

Specialized in Civil engineering


Specialized in Economics and business

Dr. Yomen Atassi

Specialized in Chemistry

Mr. Yousef Mohammed Batch

Specialized in Languages and literature

Mr. Yousef Taha

Specialized in Health sciences

Mr. youseftorman

Specialized in Electrical engineering

Mr. Yusuf Hmouz

Specialized in Languages and literature

Mr. Zaher Hanani

Specialized in Other social sciences